一、Autumn is a season full of color,fragrance and taste.Besides color,fragrance and taste,there are sound and light.At that time,the sound of autumn and autumn,at this time,the colorful autumn makes me dazzled and overwhelmed.
三、The swaying swaying crowd drifted silently,the shoes knocked out a fine sound,empty,light,perhaps,to talk about a love with the earth is more intimate,at any moment,it is listening to the answer in your heart.
四、Autumn dew is still a pot of paint.We walked along the long stone road and came to the cedar.Cedar is still so green.It"s as green as it used to be.
五、Pomegranate trees in the light morning fog,appears to be particularly spiritual,as if the pomegranate knows the arrival of autumn,it laughed,laughed so happy,lovely,bright red teeth also exposed!
六、Some are dancing like butterflies,some are flying like falling leaf warblers,and some are turning lightly like dancers.
八、Autumn,the beautiful season,the harvest season,the golden season,like a hundred flowers blooming in spring,as warm as a hot summer,as charming as a snow-drifting winter.
一十、The blue sky is spotless and transparent in late autumn.Many clouds are reflected on the clear river; the microwave of fish scales and the green river water add colour to the floating clouds and make them more beautiful.
一十一、The maple trees lay a red carpet on the earth.When the autumn wind blows,the maple leaves rattle as if applauding and celebrating the harvest.
一十二、Love is endless happiness,may also be boundless pain.May happiness embrace the love of the whole world,wish you and I can go through the storms of life together.
一十六、The sky became so quiet and tall and blue.And Baiyun is like a flock of sheep.Look closely,it"s like cotton candy.The sky seemed washed by sea water,as light as feathers.
一十七、Autumn wind,cool silk,blowing flowers and trees,as if a tender mother is gently humming hypnotic song to send her children into a sweet dream.
一十八、The autumn rain makes the leaves tremble.The trees that once brought us harvest leave lonely branches under the devastation of wind and rain.
二十七、A touch of Qingqiu shallow joy,a word of heartfelt words,so good.Let the time go slowly,feel the autumn stories slowly,don"t let the autumn cold,don"t let the time dim.
二十九、Autumn is in the field.The fields are golden.From a distance,the whole field looks like a golden carpet covered with yellow rice.
三十一、There are several sycamore trees in the campus,which have become dark red.When the autumn wind blows,the falling leaves are like butterflies,flying happily in the sky and changing their dancing postures from time to time.
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