1、I ‘ll never forget you and our co-experience in the classroom or in our shool playground。 Although we may go to a diffferent school and will have diferent teachers and classmates,I believe that our friendship will not fade at all jus迹处管肺攮镀归僧害吉t because of our separation。 Every one must have his own life and there is no friends that can be together forever,only what can defend the time is the most cherished friendship that belongs to us all。 Faced with the separation,we don’t need to be sad as we know we will live a wonderful life in a new and unknown place,maybe when you get some excellent achievments,I truly believe that I will be the first man to be told and I will be the first man to send congratulation to you。 Best wishes for you!。
2、六年级毕业 学生留言 英语作文 写给同学 外加翻译
3、because we are living amidst such large-scale changes in the world。 We need to access this light in order to not only survive but thrive as we shift into a new order of consciousness。 As the changes around us proceed in rapid progression, we will want to be able to trust our own ability to sense what is happening and how we can best respond。 We are no longer living in a predictable world in which we can trust external authority figures and prior ideas about reality to guide us。 We need to be able to access the information that will help us navigate these uncertain waters, and the ultimate authority resides in our awareness。
5、Laugh together, sing together, tense together, prepare for the day, and turn into a broken star, dotted with my blank youth Yearbook。。 Will not forget, the moment of flowers, sparkling with your lovely wizard figure。 Parting is beginning to gather, wiped away tears, belonging to the students: we are about to graduate, I will in a distant place silently bless you。 Friends go all the life, which days no longer。 A word, a lifetime, a lifetime, a glass of wine。 May you always be happy!。
7、To my dear friends:
8、Today we graduate from middle school and will fight for our tomorrow alone。but don‘t ever forget our friendship and the beautiful days we have。Maybe 20 years later when we get together again,you’ll find that we are still a family,a whole group that can never be defeated,and the memories we have will be the most pre缉恭光枷叱磺癸委含莲cious treasure we‘ve ever gain。Thank you for you all。May you guys happy everyday。
10、Goodbye, my friends!We have been classmates for 6 years。We sang songs,had classes and played together。I will never forget the days we spent together,I wish all of you will be happy and healthy in the future。Don’t forget me! I will miss you。Keep in touch!(我想了这些,你可以给中文,我帮你翻译哈)。
12、Life is a profound book。 Other‘s notes cannot replace your own understanding。 May you find and create something new in it。 生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。
13、愿你有所发现,有所创造。 2。Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I’ve send you。 朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。
14、Time is flying away, and years are passing by。 Only our friendship is always in my heart。 Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend! 流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重! 4。Don't be disappointed on the journey of life。 There are friends in the world。 Seize your chance and value your opportunities。 May our friendship be everlasting。 人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。
本文地址: hTtP://wwW.ti29.CoM/juzi/67592.html
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